I’m looking for input on my current commute situation as I start to look more and more at EV’s for gas/maintenance savings over ICE vehicles.

I commute 3 days/week to the office totaling 140 miles round trip (95% highway). Everything else is within a few miles of my home so my car is used almost exclusively on Tues-Thurs driving to/from the office.

I drive a 2022 Acura TLX and get ~27MPG on Premium gas today. Living in north Texas, gas is relatively cheap (recently filled up for $3.09/gal in Dallas —> usually around $3.50/gal) and typically warmer weather. Summer can be extreme heat. Autopilot is a major plus in my next vehicle as my TLX has lane keeping assistance and traffic jam monitoring (self paces in traffic).

Fun facts: -my price per kWH is 12.9c at home (fixed regardless of usage) -work doesn’t have chargers but there are some free ones nearby (lunch breaks, etc.) -relocating isn’t an option -looking to stay under $40k purchase price

I think I like Tesla’s the most. I’m aware dumping miles on a car kills resale value but I don’t want to have to worry about replacing a battery + getting crushed at the time of trade-in.

Thoughts or suggestions?? Thank you all!

  • retiredminionB
    10 months ago

    27 MPG at say around $3.20, so $3.20 to go 27 miles.

    An EV should give you around 4 miles per KwH, so call it 8 KwH to go 27 miles.

    $0.129 /KwH times 8 KwH is $1.03 to got the same 27 miles, or 1/3 the cost.

    DCFC would cost more, approaching gas cost, but at 50 miles round trip they should not be significant.

    If you get a glass roof vehicle, I recommend a roof shade for summer in the south.