Hahahaha yea, it’s been a while
The War Thunder video game forums have been host to over a dozen military intelligence “leaks” https://taskandpurpose.com/news/us-military-sensitive-info-war-thunder-leak/
What was the leak?
Serious question: how does war thunder end up with the leaks they do all the time?
People who work on the equipment claiming it’s not accurate in-game and posting (classified) proof.
Gotta win that war thunder discord argument at all costs.
The internet is a stupid place.
People who like war thunder tend to be military folks. Some of those military folks have access to sensitive materials. Some of those people make bad choices about sharing sensitive materials
If you’re going to share classified information on your discord server. You’re going to have a bad time.
My coworker is an air force vet. I just told him, with zero context, “it wasn’t the war thunder forums this time”. He closed his eyes, sighed, and shook his head, then went back to what he was doing.
A leak and the war thunder counter is above zero. Interesting times.
It brings me comfort knowing they aren’t competent enough to surprise attack Canada