I don’t actually believe you are a new fan for a second. This seems like astroturfing
I don’t actually believe you are a new fan for a second. This seems like astroturfing
I agree with all of those but I also think the format is to blame.
This champ will be pro play meta while being 40% winrate in solo queue
People don’t realize how hard we as fans got robbed.
Imagine if we had a full 10 years of 3-4 international tournaments a year. Think of the insane storylines.
Everything culminates with Worlds at the end of the year. The huge major event that dwarfs all others in prestige and importance.
The circuit would be kinda like other esports where they have “majors” and then we have the huge biggest major at the very end with Worlds. It would be so fucking hype.
This has nothing to do with Emerald vs Plat/Gold. These are just names. They are meaningless names. What matters is the percentage distribution. It has everything to do with smurfing.
The reason that griefing and trolling went up so much is because the share of smurfs to normal players is completely insane in Emerald/Diamond.
Pretty much every game there is at least one person on an alt account they don’t care about. I also see ungodly amounts of duo queue boosting.
Heist for BLG