Hwei’s base stats:
Health [ 550 Base Health + 104 HP / lvl]: Lowest Base health for a midlaner alongside champs like Azir, Veigar, Taliyah and Anivia
Mana: [440 Mana + 30 / lvl]
Armor : 18 + 4.7 / lvl [Lowest in the game]
Move Speed: 320 MS [Lowest in the game after unmounted Kled and unmounted Rell]
Attack Range: 575 [3rd Highest Mid laner Attack range after Annie and Anivia]
Attack Speed: 0.714 [Highest Ranged Base Attack Speed]
Base AD [ 3rd lowest base AD mid laner after Orianna and Neeko]
MR: 30 + 1.3 [Average MR base stats]
Hwei’s stats are interesting, Does having an extraordinary attack range make up for the lowest MS in the game? Will Hwei come close to breaking Briar’s 36% WR day one?
I personally like design approach of new champs having extremes in their stats, Briar had no health regen, Hwei is slow af etc.
Literally Aphelios
Lowest MS? Lowest base armor? laughs in Akshan player
This man is going to be a balance nightmare isn’t he
Considering how overloadead he is, if they don’t cut back on the stats the the champ will just be perma 60% winrate.
This champ will be pro play meta while being 40% winrate in solo queue
Everyone is not gonna be happy when he is a god tier botlane APC