Mf just completely forgetting the insane amount of AP mage items have now that they don’t get 3k HP
Oh cool I have 200 MR oh shit enemy has 400 AP at 3 items very nice
Mf just completely forgetting the insane amount of AP mage items have now that they don’t get 3k HP
Oh cool I have 200 MR oh shit enemy has 400 AP at 3 items very nice
??? Did you forget tanks have to build both armor and MR? You can get 5 items that boost AD damage, tanks need to get 2-3 otherwise they get melted by AP damage.
Fun for me is just a refreshing experience. Even if they have wildly different classes I find:
Zed to be a mobile asfk Pyke to bully enchanter and get big money Anivia to make someone suffer by WALL Sion to play survival game then become hulk Rakan cuz haha slippery engage guy funny Ornn to watch enemy struggle to get leads before I give team 5k gold Senna 2 screen away auto go brr Jhin FOUR
Yes, and I want to go back to that
I don’t actually want buffs for my champions, the champion alone is rarely ever the problem. (Except for zed, he is forced to hydra build cuz lethality is just troll)
Ornn, sion, zac, sejuani in a nutshell are very strong champions with clear strengths and weaknesses, they does not need buffs in the slightest. The problem I have is with the item system and recent champ design.
It’s really hard to be happy playing a tank when champions like yone/ksante/jax can be just as durable and threatening without building tank. Then there’s also tank killers like fiora/Gwen/vayne who by design destroy you with %hp damage, yet are still strong enough to fight other bruisers. (Camille got thrown out of that list she’s just weak.)
These champs honestly wouldn’t even be that bad if the item system didn’t make it aids to fight them. You can’t kill a jax/fiora no matter how bad they are once they have divine sunderer, Bork is just overstatted, yone can be equally tanky as you while dealing 10x dmg with hullbreaker, every ADC now builds Lord Dominks because it’s efficient even against assassins and mages can buy a first item mythic that is a anti-tank but is also good against non tanks xD
TLDR champs are annoying but Liandrys, Divine sunderer, Hullbreaker (on shit like yone) and Lord dominiks needs changes cuz this shit is stupid