I made this thread so we can share our lists of champs by how fun they are. I haven’t played all the champs enough to know how fun they are, but I do feel there’s a huge difference where some champs suck when behind or have kits that are too complicated or like malphite that are strong but the game is more out of your control.

My list of the most fun champions I play in order:

Sion > Kled (mainly playing this now) > Garen > Tryndamere > Zyra > Rammus > Shyvana

Honourable mention to ezreal for being the only ADC I enjoy.

  • AkinoRyuoB
    10 months ago

    Fun for me is just a refreshing experience. Even if they have wildly different classes I find:

    Zed to be a mobile asfk Pyke to bully enchanter and get big money Anivia to make someone suffer by WALL Sion to play survival game then become hulk Rakan cuz haha slippery engage guy funny Ornn to watch enemy struggle to get leads before I give team 5k gold Senna 2 screen away auto go brr Jhin FOUR