One of the devices (orange band) is an SHP3-35 high pass filter. No idea what the green one is, there are no markings on it. Maybe an attenuator? Anyone know if I really need either of these? It seems one or the other was holding back my upstream channels.
Not to encourage your unethical behavior (not thay Comcast has solid track record itself), but you know you can take a picture and run it through Google Images and/or some A.I., and usually you find the answer to that said item is.
Bro! I just came on this subreddit right now, to ask about the very same situation! In my case, I have well over 900 PDF documents, which a lot of them i transfered from my phone to computer. Then a good majority of them are full books, which I’ved OCR-processed and then turned into ebook format for Calibre web-server.
But the others are legal documents, tax documents, instruction manuals, research papers, etc.