And here comes the nutjobs bashing Geno…
I think part of it were our abysmal losses to the Rams and Bengals (all games we definitely should’ve and could’ve won) and the fact that our schedule this year is way tougher than last year’s. Also penalties and 3rd downs.
I don’t think it has anything to do with Geno. There are 5 reasons why we lost today. 1. Penalties. 2. A couple of bad calls specifically the one at the goal line on Spoon. 3. Geno getting injured and not having him for almost a full quarter. 4. The miscommunication on the play before the would be game winning field goal. 5. Meyers missing the kick.
But in all seriousness Deejay Dallas needs to stop muffing punts. He did it again against the 9ers