love stu and bill best in the league besides maybe mike breen
love stu and bill best in the league besides maybe mike breen
showtime is back
3 lobs to jaxson hayes!!!
do y’all believe???
lmaoo who copying melo fuck outta here
just tuned in is this a defense thing or their offense just shit?
just tuned in is this a defense thing or their offense just shit?
send jaxson out there and have him swing on dillon
Lebron is the goat
can reddish stealin like jackie
bron making crazy passes out here
bron old asf an doing this shit he the fucking goat
i love basketball
it probably won’t happen but i want to see a line up of caruso reddish vando bron and AD
hopefully differential gets bigger love it when other fans hate us
i think so we couldn’t play our westbrook trade players the game after either
fuck basketball