Yes. Get new players, smurfs on win/mvp streaking placements, derankers with 0% win rate, and everything in between in games with plat players
Yes. Get new players, smurfs on win/mvp streaking placements, derankers with 0% win rate, and everything in between in games with plat players
I could link multiple accounts just this week doing it. Hell I was just somehow in a game with a freshly bot levelled then deranking account with 0% win rate in my game, as a plat, wtf is a 0% win rate even doing in that matchmaking??
They havent banned any I have reported yet. They are painfully obvious. Trying ticket report but feel like it will go into a digital shredder
Fizz always seem on the stronger side quietly due to not being as popular as zed for example. Really hate that fish and his get out of jail free ability for any mistakes etc.
Find the ones that try to make up a whole alibi in chat during a game weird too, like dude is 90% win rate on ryze or kata or something at lvl 32 in a plat game with 10 kills and pretending to be little Timmy just gifted… why?..
That is peak bs, hell the system trying to make things work out better for smurfs has even put newbies at lvl 30 entering ranked into plat games. But even with dota ban waving them you see them when playing with friends, it just isnt nearly as crazy and people actually have faith that it isnt okay and will be sorted out.
I learned the game in like 2018/2019 and there was plenty even then in the arams and normals etc
Dunno what you mean, I love having a silver top and unranked sub 40% win rate players in my plat games vs 4 plats /s
I am on what can only be described as an impossible loss streak now, the 2 players that mental boomed in champ select then decided to troll all game running it down doing sub 500 damage never even got banned.
Why is this an issue though? Wasnt half of the discussion around why people werent picking her up too rather than the mains alone having issues? If anything outside inputs as to why various types avoid her even if willing to learn, is valuable input among it all.
Riot literally dont seem to care, I fail to see how it is so hard for a system to detect these coop vs ai 24/7 levelled bots that change name after suddenly stopping for months after exactly lvl 30.
But truth seems to be half the people on here buy these accounts and downvote these posts while gaslighting you that its just in your head and little timmy is just a god gifted lee sin insec master on his first ever pvp game. Or the toxic griefing one is just an illusion while picking apart your opgg to validify themselves over that one game you played real bad
seen this kinda thing a lot lately. But also actual derankers down there like one with 0% win rate… in my plat match