What do people think about smurfing?
I’m in emerald and really every 3rd game there is this one 35lvl account stomping my team (or gifting me a free 21min win). I’m not having fun playing with or against them, unless I lane against them.
Do people and these smurfs even realize how much toxicity they create by making our Riven go 1/13?
incredible post! thanks for sharing this groundbreaking point of view!
Smurfing is bad, but having multiple accounts isn’t - ESPECIALLY while you’re learning champions.
Look, Reddit, let’s have a look in the mirror, you’re not very good at the game. You’re definitely not good enough to play the champion you have 5 matches on as optimally as the champion you have 200.
Having multiple accounts where you play only certain champions or only certain roles at the least will let you know what level you actually play x role or x champion at. For example, if you’re a challenger Yorick 1-trick spamming support lux because of a wild hair, then you’re probably playing her at an emerald or low diamond level at best, but you’re in chally lobbies.
If you’re a gold Yorick 1-trick spamming lux support because of a wild hair, then you’re probably playing her at a bronze or silver level at best, but you’re still in your gold lobbies.
Having multiple accounts can let you know where you are actually.
Normals are for that, norms and ranked mmr are different. If u use norms to try new champs u will have an mmr according to ur level with them. If your complain is normals not being tryhard enough then the problem is yours and all the ppl that think like that. Its the same as ppl that claim flex is shit cause no one takes It seriously. If all of u started treating those queues with the respect they deserve then there wouldnt be any problem to begin woth and would have 3 different queues with 3 different mmr to play on the same acc instead of 3 accounts.
Im emerald and if i play in normals, its just too ez. I cant learn if im not punished for mistakes. I need my second Account to play New Champs and get honest feedback
i’m not sure why riot removed smurf queue, that dissuaded a lot of people from smurfing. i guess it affected their bottom line
You couldn’t even take a month off the game without having to go through hell on your main account. It was implemented horribly.
Because there were daily reddit threads about it lmao
Dude there’s tryhards in aram, smurfing is the least of this community’s problems
I tryhard in aram. What’s the point of not tryharding. The game itself is not that fun, especially aram.
I have an alt that I rarely play on (12 games total this season). The other day someone wanted to duo with me but I couldn’t on my main, so I played on my B1 account. I went 15-0-5 and did whatever I wanted the whole game. I think I was up 30cs to 2 early.
I knew there was a skill difference from Emerald to low silver, but I didn’t realize it was that large, and I was a little tipsy. Anyhow, end result was me feeling bad about the whole situation. Obviously that game wasn’t fair for the players in it.
In contrast, I played some norms last night with some friends last night and played an off role. I wasn’t tanking my own rank or destroying some low ranked players who didn’t deserve a loss. I hate the argument of “if it’s your off role you are terrible at it”. Obviously I’m not as good at my off roles as my main, but I also don’t move from Emerald to bronze in any role.
People making excuses for playing on Smurfs are just shitty people imo.
Smurfing is worse than being eloboosted but most high egos are not ready for that conversation yet
Eloboosting requires smurfing so pretty sure its the same thing
There are two types of smurfing which people try to make as equal.
If you do it once and play an account to a consistent level, no one should care. You only make a small number of games unfair once.
Who cares if you have one account at 50% win rate at your max elo and another account also at 50% win rate a tier below because it’s your offrole.
This isn’t the problem compared to people making 100s of new accounts just to stomp. You don’t catch that “fair use” “smurf” account with phone verification or banning botted accounts because a second phone number isn’t unreasonable and you probably leveled that account by hand.
Yes, IT is. And its making new ppl drops this game… imo should be put on some restriction. But its hard, cus you cant detect them easy. They also play on others accs which is also hard to prove.
Shit topic, no clear answer
I have this problem all the time, and it isn’t even so much smurfing, it is just bad match making. Ever since they introduced Emerald, things have been all over the place. My group of friends are: G2, G4, S2, B4, S4 and yet last night we had a game against: E4, D1, D2, P4, B3. And this isn’t even the only example, I’d say at least every single game I play now has at least 1 player that is far far far ahead of anyone on my team. How is a B4 ADC suppose to beat a E2 adc? It is literally never going to happen.
We’ve been playing together for like 5 seasons, and we are currently having absolutely no fun with the game because we can’t seem to get a balanced game what-so-ever. How are we as players below Platinum, playing against people multiple divisions above platinum.
Smurfing is bad, should be punished more heavily but Riot won’t do anything about it because it makes them money. It’s been an issue for a long time and with each new season/year I’m hopeful its mentioned somewhere in preseason notes but I’m foolish for thinking Riot would actually give a shit about the player experience. Anything that makes Riot money is left untouched.
Its way more in low plat gold cause they give people as a base high gold mmr, so many throw away accounts or alt accounts its not even funny.
So some guy just died lvl 1 then inted my lane and took a wave so i just called him every word i could think of and ran it down and got banned till 09/12/2023 in master so i am now smurfing and i am 5/1 which is currently around plat1/emerald4 mmr whilst my rank says Gold 1 riot creates this.
Even perma ban trolls or perma ban those that lose there shit from it and kill the game already elo system is corrupt anyways. I can tell you there is almost no difference from Emerald 1-2 to master 300 lp apart from a little more tempo laning is exactly the same.
Most of our problems would be solved if they made tryhard queue. Only one account per player. Instant ban for trolling (tribunal). Multiple bad games in a row -> 3 day ranked ban to cooldown and to get your shit back together. Etc.
They should create a smurf que for chaos. 50/50 chance of laning against someone who is like 3+ levels higher
It’s sad, but every game has his smurfs players. I don’t think you can do anything about it. Riot already has a system that detects smurf accounts and puts them in a smurf queue with other smurf players. That is the best you can do I think.
Coming from an OverWatch player, Smurfing is awful. Especially when you get placed in lobbies with new players. With League, it makes games as a new player awful in most regards. DOTA did a good thing when they basically ip banned hundreds of thousands of accounts for smurfing.