I don’t know what’s worse; linking a youtube video to get an idea on IP law, or linking a fucking Second Thought video on the topic.
I don’t know what’s worse; linking a youtube video to get an idea on IP law, or linking a fucking Second Thought video on the topic.
They’ve shown that kind of environmental damage in other videos.
They included easter eggs/intentional mistakes from the original in their copied designs. That’s a textbook way of proving copyright infringement; what a massive fuck up.
one is objectively better for image quality.
The only objective measurements we have - hard data - suggests they’re essentially the same. Subjectively, there are arguments in certain lighting conditions depending on what’s more important to you.
It’s shouldn’t be a deal-breaker for most people - especially for the lowest end model’s price - but it’s a compromise you only accept because of the price.
Game pass is a fair point, overall compatability isn’t really that big of an issue. It’s rare for games to not work.
Yeah with the OLED coming out the only reason to buy one of the Windows Handhelds is if you absolutely need the extra performance or game compatability.
I guess in a very ideal scenario you would have 3 or 4 live service games where the players cycle between games as they finish a given update period’s worth of content. If you could pull it off it would probably be easier than having to constantly pump out new and engaging content.
redditor learns about review embargoes
It’s called “being a competent company” - a ludicrous idea, to be sure, when the only comparisons are Intel and AMD.