We’re writing from the same book. The only thing that has made me more angry as a fan of this franchise than not trading Beal was trading Webber.
We’re writing from the same book. The only thing that has made me more angry as a fan of this franchise than not trading Beal was trading Webber.
He’s a fucking brat.
Why would one bad game mean he wasn’t the guy? Fans are lunatics lol. So many on this sub remind me of that commercial where the fan lights all of his shit on fire after the 1st play of the game.
I didn’t see him too much during the year with you. Was he known to start out a year slow? It’s amazing to me how bad and little effort he provides.
I think they’re dope AF. Oooh, they have to be our team colors! Lol
More boneheaded shit not playing him in favor of the -/- crew. The minus minus, what what!
I have no hate for him, fella. I find him amusing, though. Is that ok with you?
Anyone that separates Howell from Bienemy would be a fool.
Imagine Kobe being like, “nah I’m good” after one lol
I’ve been trying to be patient with Davis but it appears we’re trying to polish a turd by giving him minutes at this point.
The correct answer is that he isn’t harnessing the power of his mustache properly.
Kuz and Poole being in the games is likely a good thing for losses. These data points from an article in Bullets Forever encapsulate that point perfectly:
“Kuzma and Poole wasted a bunch of possessions with questionable shot selection, and in Poole’s case sloppy turnovers. The two combined to produce 44 points in the 48 possessions they used. Their teammates combined to produce 69 points in 54 possessions used. They combined for a 91 offensive rating (points produced per possession x 100). Their teammates: 128. League average so far this season is about 110. Here’s another way to think about it: Kuzma and Poole combined to use 47% of the team’s possession to produce 38.5% of the team’s points.”
Why on earth did you get downvoted for this lol. The year we got Wall Abe had just passed away and Irene was at the draft order announcement receiving for us. Ever notice there’s always a theme to the winner where it’s heartfelt, a hometown story, or the twin towers are mentoring the next face of the league?
You can’t tell me the league doesn’t meddle in some cases. And now the shit happens behind closed doors? Uh, ok.
Also… 2pac, Biggie, and Elvis are still alive the world is flat and the moon landing was a hoax lol
Does anyone else feel the lottery is completely fucking rigged? Ewing to NYC, Lebron to his hometown Cavs, and Wemby to just so happens to be the coach known as one of the best big men developers ever, Pop.
Something is fishy. That last one has, we don’t want to take a chance with the future of the league by allowing him to be drafted by a historically inept franchise written all over it.
I found myself checked out very quickly early in the 3rd for the reason you mentioned + a few others.
Ya’ll are hilarious. He has a rookie QB and is in year 1 with a horrible offensive line. You can’t possibly make this proclamation.