When you are below 6k you can’t do any of these things. And yet in the last 50 games the Comms score is bugged and won’t change by a single digit. This is a widely reported bug. Please can we stop victim blaming the people who have been affected by a widespread and reproducible bug.
This is exactly what i am talking about. Its the same for everyone who experiences it. You will go to less than 6k comms score then it will freeze. This process can be started in a game where nobody uses comms at all and nobody griefs, all it takes is one enemy spamming 6 reports on you.
You dont need to say you are an angel for this not to be a bug - I highly doubt ANY of the people commenting here have never got frustrated in a dota game and told someone to fuck off or whatever. Hate speech like racism or death threats should not really be tolerated, but at the end of the day, every player already has the ability to mute any other player completely separately from this behaviour system.
What is currently happening is, after something was changed a few weeks ago, players are being issued automated overwatch penalties after a single game with “high report rate”, which I believe, after some basic testing, can be triggered by a single player spamming 6 reports. This then begins a downward spiralling of comms score until it reaches below 6k, where it will freeze in place. This can happen even with chat disabled. This is clearly a bug or some kind of unintentional behaviour and needs fixing, regardless of your opinion on “toxicity in videogames”