Do not confuse this post with people who are saying that they deserve a better score, they re not toxic, blah-blah-blah.

The communication score is bugged. The bug is that the score is stuck at the same value for past few conduct summaries. My BEHAVIOUR score has been changing from 8.5k to 8.7k to 8.4k to 9K etc, while COMMUNICATION score has been at 5992. Always this value, it does not change. It also does not show in the steam data where you can see BEHAVIOUR score, reports, commends, past summaries etc.

The moment it bugged was after dropping under 6000.

It s been weeks already and it is yet to be fixed. I dont even know if valve is aware because of how many bullshit “im not toxic, behaviour score is flawed shit system” posts and actual bugs just get lost. It is really frustrating not being able to get access to using chat again.

  • Dominus_DomB
    10 months ago

    This is what I also made a post about, and i received a whole load of actually “toxic” responses from the saintly redditors who deny there is a bug because they have not experienced it themselves.

    I experienced a random overwatch penalty after a game that we won comfortably but it could easily seem like I was smurfing. In less than 2 weeks my scores dropped from 11k to 7k and 5k Comms. Since then I get assessed with an overwatch penalty after every game, even though I am muted for being below 6k Comms now. I can see my behaviour score changing slightly but Comms has not changed a single digit despite getting an updated summary every game (due to OW penalties).

    There is some bug that makes the scores rapidly drop to below 6k and then freeze. This has now affected nearly everyone on my friends list. There does not seem to be anyway to increase Comms score once it drops below 6k. Once comms score goes below 10k it seems to decrease rapidly even in games where you cannot communicate. This is obviously not the intended behaviour and has no bearing on a player’s behaviour.

    My theory is it is related to each player being able to give another player 6 reports, that are counted as 6 separate reports. The threshold has not been changed from the old system, and so getting 3+ reports in a game is still flagged as “high report rate”, despite in now being possible to receive 54 reports in a single game, which can be issued completely independently of your actual behaviour or communication use.

    • Ritzey12B
      10 months ago

      This same thing happened with me (your 3rd para). I’m just waiting for some streamer or pro player facing this issue. I think Quinn will face the same issue cause he gets targeted in pubs and reported most of the time because of his past behavior but he hasn’t been playing much pubs…