Fixed a bug that caused Elise’s E - Rappel/Cocoon to incorrectly use stun duration values when calculating damage amplification
what does this even mean?
buffs: Riven
You are welcome
Yo riot, worlds is over, you had your fun with Orianna being permabanned, can you nerf the fuck out of this champ now?
Even in SUPER high elo she is only slightly strong. She is not that overpowered anywhere and I don’t care if you play in challenger that still applies.
I am no longer JPLangley. Please refer to me as JPLangley#NA1 from now on.
Where is Arena??
Buffing split pushing without preemptively nerfing Hullbreaker is certainly of on the decisions of all time.
It blows my mind how the “top has no impact” meme is still there, when the average toplaner is always 4+ levels over jungle/botlane and become a raidboss at 1-2 items. Half my games are lost because the enemy toplaner gets fed out of his mind and mindlessly wins by split pushing through statcheck/hullbreaker
Top lane is stronger the lower elo. Once people get good enough coordination and mechanical kiting can deal with raid boss melees. But at many skill brackets a fed brusier will simply stat check everyone else and take over.
Why did they buff k’sante shield, damage reduction, and base scaling on ult? It was a scaling buff not a nerf. The only nerf was his mana cost which is inconsequential because he was never close to going oom casting off cd anyways.
Quickplay got disabled in PH server. We are so back
I don’t understand why they brought back the ability to send toxic pings to allies. It was just great. 99% of the time “Olaf is alive” pings only for toxicity. In 99% of cases, “ult ready” only pings for toxicity. Finally they did it right, and again everything is rolled back, because Reddit is crying loudly that now they can’t be toxic to other players
Janna buffs sounds quite big. This might increase her winrate with 1-2%.
The increased range on W is much more impactful than it sounds. It does a lot in order win the trade with the enemy adc. Now you can W - AA, while the enemy adc can trade 1 or 2 AA’s back at most. When before you already received an AA to get in range, then received another 2 to get out.
Janna buffs sounds quite big. This might increase her winrate with 1-2%.
The increased range on W is much more impactful than it sounds. It does a lot in order win the trade with the enemy adc. Now you can W - AA, while the enemy adc can trade 1 or 2 AA’s back at most. When before you already received an AA to get in range, then received another 2 to get out.