Basically a deer with a human face. Despite probably being some sort of magical nature spirit, his interests are primarily in technology and politics and science fiction.

Spent many years on Reddit and is now exploring new vistas in social media.

  • 0 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • No, I said things about AI and open source. I raised open source as part of my counter to your argument that this is “concentrating wealth.”

    Here, I’ll explain in detail what’s going on.

    In response to an article about Reddit licensing your content to AI trainers, capt_wolf said “it’s time to purge your account.” Presumably as a way to stop that from happening. I asked why that was a bad thing, specifically how it harmed us in any meaningful way. You came in at that point and suggested:

    • It’s a scheme to further concentrate wealth
    • It harms everyone but the 0.1%.

    I raised open source as a counter to the “wealth concentration” point, because open source does the opposite - it spreads the wealth to any who want it. It puts these resources into the commons.

    I also pointed out that I personally benefit from AI tools, so it does the opposite of harming me. As I am not part of the 0.1%, that’s a counter to your second point.

  • I’d say it’s not even really their place to be “examining the whole economic system.” Each individual is just a regular Joe who put in their time at a job over their life and would now like to reap the rewards of their effort in retirement. It bothers me when people insult other people simply for being caught up in a systemic issue that’s beyond their control.

    The solutions for systemic problems need to be systemic as well. If we as a society don’t want to see housing move over to an exclusively rent-based system then we’ll need to address it through things like zoning changes and other legal reforms. When people oppose those things by voting against them, then we can start to apportion blame around.

  • When you ask an LLM to write some prose, you could ask it “I’d like a Pulitzer-prize winning description of two snails mating” or you could ask it “I want the trashiest piece of garbage smut you can write about two snails mating.” Or even “rewrite this description of two snails mating to be less trashy and smutty.” In order for the LLM to be able to give the user what they want they need to know what “trashy piece of garbage smut” is. Negative examples are still very useful for LLM training.