• 17 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 27th, 2023


  • Me too. I grew up on Fred Astaire, Buster Keaton and Eddie Cantor.

    I used to have a party trick back in the pre-IMDB days where I’d bring out Leonard Maltin’s movie guide, have someone flip to a random page, start reading titles, and I’d stop them before they could get to the end by describing the plot of whichever one I’d seen.

    My earliest memory is my parents projecting 2001: A Space Odyssey on our living room wall using a 16mm projector with a Cinemascope lens for a bunch of grad students.

    He also had a reel-to-reel recorder that came specifically with one type of Sony Trinitron TV that predated VHS. Of course, once VHS came out, he taped everything. We had all the movie channels.

    But my brother was the Star Trek person. My dad was pretty so-so about it.

  • I really do not understand what you think ‘right to life’ means, but in most civilized parts of the world it means that the government has a duty to make sure its citizens don’t die whenever possible. That is not something you have to earn as a citizen.

    Why you think that’s such a ridiculous position to take, I have no idea.

    And also why you think you have to earn being on this Earth when you didn’t ask to be put here in the first place is also beyond me. Who gets to judge who’s earned enough to be given the right to live? You?