This Josh green bitch is a pussy flopping everywhere
This Josh green bitch is a pussy flopping everywhere
Hope max doesn’t start next time, he ain’t ready
This sub is day and night when it comes to winning and losing lmao
AD and Bron look so happy chilling on the bench
AD and Bron look so happy chilling on the bench
AD looking amazing
AD looking amazing
Lmao Bron
defense needs a second wind asap
In Season Tournament Bron is the best player in the league
This third qtr is dogshit
This defense is amazing
AD heard yall talking shit
This court is god awful. It hurts my eyes. Make the red darker
Seeing Bob Shitzgerald cry like a little bitch was satisfying. Dude is such a homer and hater. Worst announcer in the league
Teams with speedy PGs are our Achilles heel.
AD and AR were very disappointing tonight.
Sucks we lost to the queens but onto the next
I hate the kings, annoying ass team. Can’t wait for them to shoot like shit the next 5 games
Fox really hates us, guaranteed he’s gonna shoot like shit next game
Queens treating this like it’s the NBA finals. Hopefully they go on a long ass cold streak
There are worse sports fans buddy. Are you ignoring La Liga fans hanging a noose on a doll that resembles Vinicius JR? European soccer ultra fans are 100x more toxic