• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 31st, 2023


  • K’sante is a Frontline tank, he basically soaks up damage but in his current state he deals a ton too, he’s full of dashes and disposition

    Yone is a close range duelist, good dps and rather safe but that safety tool can also mess you up if you use it wrong

    Aphelios is an ADC (Attack Damage Carry), backline carry, probably the hardest adc to understand, you’d need to read whole pages of text to even understand his combos and I’d suggest not touching him

    Ezreal is also an ADC, another backline carry, but this one relies on skillshots, you have to be really good at hitting abilities to make proper use of him

    Kayn is a weird case, he has 2 forms that you get by hitting either ranged champions or melee champions, ranged champions charge up Blue version, which is a fast assassin, while melees charge up Red version, which is a self healing monster, all of the forms including base one have AoE attacks and can travel through walls, with the Ult letting them go inside someone that they’ve hit, with Red having more healing and crowd control, while Blue having more mobility and damage.

    All in all, these champions are all pretty bad for beginners I’d say, but you should really focus on learning a single role, since that’s the only real way to improve at this game consistently, due to major differences between each role, none of them are supportive backliners, then neither of them fit the role.