• 2 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: November 8th, 2023


  • I left my corporate SEO and web design job a few years ago because I hated working for people that suck. I started my own SEO and website business that focuses on local businesses.

    I had no clue what I was doing and wanted to quit a bunch of times. i think when we feel bad or our terrible situation feels impossible, the best thing you can do is step back and look at where we need help from others.

    This could be a friend to talk to, someone to hire to take over tasks, or asking others that know the answer when we don’t. I’m no where near where you are in terms of numbers but keep your head up. Step back, take the time for yourself, and put someone else in place so you can breathe a bit and enjoy your kids.

    I’m wishing you the best friend. And if you ever need someone to talk to, my chat is always open.

  • I left my corporate SEO and web design job a few years ago because I hated working for people that suck. I started my own SEO and website business that focuses on local businesses.

    I had no clue what I was doing and wanted to quit a bunch of times. i think when we feel bad or our terrible situation feels impossible, the best thing you can do is step back and look at where we need help from others.

    This could be a friend to talk to, someone to hire to take over tasks, or asking others that know the answer when we don’t. I’m no where near where you are in terms of numbers but keep your head up. Step back, take the time for yourself, and put someone else in place so you can breathe a bit and enjoy your kids.

    I’m wishing you the best friend. And if you ever need someone to talk to, my chat is always open.

  • I’m really sorry to hear that. I only know of what’s happening from the small businesses that reach out for my services. But it seems like brick and mortar businesses that are trying to wear multiple hats are getting hit the hardest. The one person businesses or 3 person businesses taking on 15 responsibilities. At least that’s my view so far from working with some of these businesses.

    I work in SEO for local businesses to get them traffic so I hear about their problems. Financially, employees, advertising, customers, etc. I’ve been offering discounts and even free things to help get a few of them by. I wish you all the best during these rough times. You’ll get through. Have you tried offering discounts, birthday discounts, or other free offerings that aren’t much cost to you? I’m assuming you have but if you haven’t, I would highly recommend that. Feel free to reach out if you need any advice. Wishing you nothing but positivity!