Dobbs is a fraud
Dobbs is a fraud
Lions should just go for two every time now.
It’s crazy to see how many people aren’t here to defend AG in this thread.
Is it all his fault? No. But when you’re ranked 31st in defensive epa/play you can’t put all the blame on the talent. There have been plenty of teams with less talent who have had at least an average defense. If Glenn could figure out how to effectively make adjustments when necessary this defense would be able to hold their own.
Aaron Glenn better not be here next year.
Highway to the Analzone
He sounds like he needs a CPAP machine throughout the entire day.
Tom Brady was what provided success, not the coaching. I’m not sure how some people haven’t realized this.
After Hard Knocks it has to be Metallica.
Hating this so much. Ben Johnson needs to stop worrying about being cute. Glenn needs to fucking get the defense to step up.
Let’s just try to get our offense back on track before we start letting Rodrigo throw any passes. In fact, let’s shelve all the trick plays until we are up by 3 possessions at the very least.