- Check: Can PA swap lanes? I.e go offlane while your offlane goes safelane?
- Check: Can your pos 4 swap place with you? I.e your pos 4 supports your pos 1?
- Check: Can you bring a gank from mid to reset the lane for you?
- Check: Can you bring a 3-lane (pos 1, 4, 5) to win the lane 3v2?
- Check: Can you leave your pos 1 and try to win offlane/mid? This brings attention away from your carry if the enemy venomancer leaves as well, leaving Axe solo. Then, if Axe solo dives, your mid or someone can always TP to kill Axe and save your PA.
You have a few cards to play. Nonetheless, your situation is difficult indeed.
Back in the day, I did SD only. Choosing between 3 heroes allowed me to skim-read their abilities fast in the picking phase. Playing also allowed me to recognize previous heroes.
Today, I would probably do all-hero challenge due to lack of players in SD.