In my experience, iron is very easy to find early on in the game. If you don’t want to risk fighting skeletons in a cave without a shield, you can make your own stripmine, it shouldn’t take too long to find some iron
In my experience, iron is very easy to find early on in the game. If you don’t want to risk fighting skeletons in a cave without a shield, you can make your own stripmine, it shouldn’t take too long to find some iron
#1: get a strider
#2: ride for a few hours
Obsidian can be found in bastions and bartering with piglins, should be easier than traveling 10,000 blocks
At that point, you just need to get a new one, not really any way I know of to repair that
and you have plenty of levels
From the wiki:
Patrols can spawn on any non-fluid block with a motion-blocking material, with the exception of leaves. They can spawn during the day on blocks with a block light level of 8 or lower. If a player is within 5 by 5 by 5 sub-chunk cube around a village, patrols do not spawn.
sounds like you need more torches!
One thing that can make a build look better is to add depth. The current exterior is really flat. An example of adding depth would be extending the two layers of smooth granite? out a block, or putting trapdoors or stairs around them. You could also try something around the windows, or around the bases of the towers.
The amount of notch apples and enchanted books that could be found in that seed :O
Practice makes better!
When I first started the mouse was so awkward, but it’s easy now. I think it’d be best for him to just practice a bit more with the mouse instead of downloading some mod to make the game easier
are the seeds supposed to be black?
In my experience, iron is very easy to find early on in the game. Basically any cave I walk into has iron nearby, and if there is a skeleton you can block yourself in to hide while you collect the iron. If you don’t want to risk fighting skeletons in a cave without a shield, you can make your own stripmine, it shouldn’t take too long to find some iron