I don’t see why Bethesda doesn’t have multiple teams working on their own projects at the same time instead of releasing one game a decade in each franchise.
It’s actually crazy how long these games are taking now compared to the earlier games.
So excited!!
I’m assuming by delete you mean that no more games will be made since you mentioned Cod which had a strong start.
Don’t get me wrong, amazing games and I love most of them. I don’t even think the newer games were terrible, they just don’t capture the magic that is Halo.
The newer games are definitely not straight up terrible, but judging by it’s trajectory I don’t see a bright future ahead for it. They just can’t get it right for some reason. And I don’t want the franchise to just get ruined more and more over the next few entries until it’s one of “those” games.
Just end the franchise now, I’d be very happy to say “Halo has 4 Amazing games and 3 meh games.”
Instead of “Halo has 4 Amazing games, 5 meh games and 3 terrible games”
Just end the franchise now before it gets any worse. Let it end with some shred of dignity
Ocarina of time holds up shockingly well considering it was one of the early pioneers of 3D open world games and came out on very weak hardware. It doesn’t feel clunky at all and the graphics are serviceable
Nier Automata
This is the one game where I feel like I’m crazy when I see people praising the ever loving shit of it. Imo the whole game felt mediocre. Like no one element was standing out in being cool in a particular way. And none of it was bad in any way.
So when I see people singing it’s praises I’m just so confused, and yes I beat all the routes and stuff.
If I have access to Mods and maps than Minecraft 100%. At this point Minecraft is becoming an engine.