Unironically this. And gold of course. Some things never change. Humans shelling out for shiny being one of them.
Unironically this. And gold of course. Some things never change. Humans shelling out for shiny being one of them.
Consider the worst comes to worst, you won’t have electricity, let alone internet connectivity. Good luck selling any crypto in those circumstances.
Nope, ye olde Gold & Silver are the way to go. Silver for fractional trades, gold for larger ones. Can’t beat a couple thousand years of history.
Wish I could help. I can commiserate though. 10 years in the same position without a promotion. Can’t get the benefits I’ve built up elsewhere, feel trapped in a gilded cage.
You are more than your job though, and if other people are assholes, knowingly or not, that doesn’t reflect on your worth in any way. It only underscores the fact you don’t jive with those kind of people. I’d consider that an accolade of sorts.
Loved most of his stuff even if I can’t claim to understand all of it. Even his “Dune”. I was one of the people who actually liked his version.
The problem is that the original tweet will have been seen by many more users than the reply. And knowing what the public is like…
Good thing I don’t have any then.
Perp is apparently a psychiatrist. That’s an… interesting background for something like this, to say the least.
Can’t bribe physics. Just ask Nancy Pelosi.
The Nazis & the Japanese experimented with this as well. AFAIK neither faction ever achieved anything resembling success. Fertilization occurs, but then immediately stops as there’s no compatibility, and the cells die.
We still have their genes, so we’ve got that going for us…
Gonna have a tough time competing with Steam Deck if they are up to their old proprietary tricks. Only way they could undercut that is by slashing the price, but considering what a PS5pro goes for, I doubt it.
Uk is a failed experiment. I wonder if Putin knows, when threatening to nuke UK, he’s actually proposing improvement.
No, we wanted a true base game first and foremost.
Whoever wrote that was spot on though. Source: not a rooster but I have been called a cock before.
Quantum awkwardness. I for one am in a permanent state of possibly awkward.
Ugh, that site has phone cancer.
When you enter the stratum of society that Musk is part of, you literally can’t fail. There’s a reason we keep talking about certain people continually “failing upwards”. Once you hit a billion, you’ve won capitalism and the only way to lose it is to go straight against the people in power (see China) or be an incredibly dumbfuck the likes of which is rarely seen (see Kanye). It’s literally impossible to lose at that point; you have so much money that simply having it generates more than what could be earned by working in any field, anywhere, globe-wide.
Billionaires should not exist at all, but that’s another discussion.
There must always be an “underclass” in capitalism for the upper echelons to threaten the middle echelons. No exceptions. Wether that’s the homeless, psychiatric patients, gay or trans people… doesn’t matter. There will be some regional differences in what constitutes this underclass but the end result is always the same. Capitalism CANNOT FUNCTION without this implicit threat of excommunication and starvation.
The only real difference with the recent past is that all of this has become much, much more explicit than it ever used to be before. But make no mistake, even with a Biden or Harris at the helm, this would still be the case, just much more muted.
This is a feature of the system, not a flaw, and will never change as long as capitalism in its current form dominates.