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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 3rd, 2023


  • I did that a lot as a kid, as well as having to scratch e.g. my left arm if I’d just scratched my right arm. I had to put my first step on a new surface with my left foot and the last with my right, and I had a system of sort of aping something I’d just heard by grinding my teeth, which I still sort of do sometimes but only in my head because my teeth have grown in such a way that I can’t really do it any more.

    I remember I used to eat a bag of crisps by holding the bag in my right hand and picking with my left, until one day I decided that was stupid, and rather than just giving up dictating which hand did what, I switched hands.

  • I had a temp job in 2006 where I’d have to reply to e-mails for a car insurance company, and it was so mind-numbing I’d be typing out the templates instead of copy-pasting just to pass the time. At a given point I decided to start signing all my e-mails with fake names beginning with R, so Roger, Robbie, Reg… I think I’d flown too close to the sun when the manager stood up and called out, “and who the fuck is Ruddiger?”

  • E 18: Sufficient freedom of movement.

    a. All hens must have sufficient freedom of movement to be able, without difficulty, to stand normally, turn around, and stretch their legs and wings.

    b. They must also have sufficient space to be able to perch or sit quietly without repeated disturbance to other birds.

    That’s, without meaning to sound cute, paltry.

  • Once I decided to end my contract with Virgin Media and they kept asking me why I was leaving, so I kept saying I didn’t want to explain, I’d just cancel (because I knew they’d do their best to talk me around) and it got to the point where I became firm, but I didn’t shout, though I wanted to.

    Tangentially related: after I’d signed up to the Telephone Preference Service, I knew that the only people ringing me to sell stuff were doing so illegally, so if they persisted after I’d made that point, I used to just verbally abuse them. Right cathartic.