It just seems so impossible to rely on Wrecking Ball when so many games have Sombra and Hog in them now. I’m talking plat-diamond level. Is Hammond dead in the water?
Pretty much. It’s not impossible, but you’ll be having a rough go of it.
nah when i play ball today i can’t believe he didn’t have shields early ow 2
Hammond doing his job drawing out all the cc. Ball doesn’t get to just roll around for free, part of his job is to draw attention and distract. If hog is burning his cooldowns on Hammond, gives DPS a chance to pump out some dmg
The problem with Ball is that he is too strong when red team has 0-1 counters but when they have 2+, his effectiveness drops hard. This combined with the community general disdain towards him means that people will often swap to counters vs a Ball than other tanks. Heck, people might not even know which DPS/supp counters the other tanks, cept ana vs Hog. Seems 90% of players know that.
He’s bad, but he has been worse
F it.
We ball.
Hammond has his issues but the Sombra rework massively helped him in that matchup. It went from hard counter to soft counter because she just doesn’t do that much damage to him and he can easily catch her and kill her now.
Sombra is definitely less of a counter than she was, but the fact that she is in more games (in mid levels) also can’t be ignored.
As a Ball otp I feel like Ball is not weak. He just got left behind by Blizzard in 5v5. All of the cast now has a CC, mobility cooldown, sustain or self heal ability and Ball’s kit is not enough to deal with all of that. The Hampter is a hero from a different game. That’s why he feels weak right now. It’s not that he needs buffs. Everything else in the game just needs tuning down so he can tank.
His innacurate pea shooters dont help
I find them to be fairly accurate, more so than tracer and sombra imo
Ive been playong him a lot recently, across all game modes my win rate is still going slightly higher n higher at 62% now l BUT it is getting silly getting hooked, trapped, trapped again, hacked and slept . A brig also held me hostage in a small room yesterday
You need to call the police!
Said brig also got potg and i tried to type “terrorist” but its censored hahahhaa
This isn’t directly tied to Hammond, but tanks that require any downtime feel awful to me. I just feel like there’s so much free value I am missing out on, like if I swapped to Sig I could really just face tank instead of disappearing to get a health pack/heals on Ball.
No he’s not. The only thing that changed lately is that you can’t rly 1 trick tanks anymore. You have to swap more often. And that’s fine I think. I know, it sucks that you have to swap off your main hero because you get countered, but atm I think there is a tank for every situation
That’s fair. If we are playing comp, I definitely will swap off if I’m heavily countered. But in qp, i just want to have fun. And games seem to have 3 counters before I even leave spawn the first time. I can play other tanks, but Ball is fun, and the others are a chore.
My brother still makes him work somehow.
I can make him work against 1-2 counters. But seems like the enemy team naturally has 3+ counters every game i play now.
Doomfist mains are struggling too, dive tank homies gotta stick together bro
yeah it’s rough out there they even pierced his nipples