And 3 of you guys?
And 3 of you guys?
I love when he went to Pedro house to watch LCK together. Fun stream
Even harder now because Faker stepped up big time this year. It’s been so long since he gapped all his mid opponents even in lane
Ambition told a story of how a lot of LCK teams dislike scrimming 2015 SKT because Faker keeps playing weird picks and smurfed
“Five chinese can win, but need some time”
Oner was dogshit on Rell all summer long lmao. Now it’s his current best champ
LPL fans always blame the koreans in this situations,
but without korean players they wouldn’t even have 1 Worlds championship yet
This is still going on?
The reality is simple. G2 is not trash, they’re good, just not as good as they thought they were. Not as good as EU fans thought they were. Not even close to being a contender.
Yes scrims are not useless, but you don’t become a contender because you smurf scrims.
There’s no problem rooting for your team, just set realistic expectations for your level. G2 and Europe haven’t been contenders FOR YEARS, why is it suddenly a huge disappointment that they bombed out before quarter? That’s just the current level of your teams.
EU fans, journalists, and costreamers just can’t seem to accept the fact that they are currently not a contender level, because somehow scrims should indicate that they are contenders somehow?
Tldr: EU too high on copium, they set an unrealistic expectations for their actual level
Sounds like Faker alright