• NeitherAlexNorAliceB
    11 months ago

    I don’t even know how this thing turned into such a big controversy. Isn’t team transparency something we fans have wanted for decades? Why is everyone crying about it now?

    Sharing scrim results literally doesn’t harm any other team whatsoever. It doesn’t share the context of drafts and secret picks. It’s just results to show where the team thought they stood.

    The fact G2 got backlash for it is insane. This community seeks drama for the sake of drama and it’s demoralizing. I wish G2 continue this trend and don’t listen to all of these cry babies.

  • Issax28B
    11 months ago

    EU is so insecure man.

    One bad year and they have to desperately share scrim results, try to convince all their fans that it means something.

    They really want to keep you guys on that copium…

  • baelkieB
    11 months ago

    the fact is that NRG played perhaps the best series in their entire lives in those 2 games. the preparation was immense and Contractz entirely gapped the rookie jungler Yike. sure, G2 played worse on the day, but if NRG played to their usual standards, the games would have been a lot more closer. even in NA NRG threw insane gold leads (the infamous Immortals game comes to mind).

    of course scrims matter. but stage games are a different beast and with how low the competition was in EU this year, G2 likely faced little to no pressure on stage, compared to a NRG which had to run the lower bracket going to 5 games with TL just to make the finals. G2 looked visibly stressed on the cams after losing game 1, compared to their often, laughing faces while in the LEC.

  • GrazingCrowB
    11 months ago

    I like that G2 has been transparent with their scrim results. G2 deservedly lost, but the community reaction has definitely been overblown. To say that scrim results don’t matter is disingenuous because quite often, many western teams get blown out in scrims and implode after losing confidence and trust within their own teams. How many times do you hear a player say they can win with empty conviction behind their character? All the time because they are getting gapped in scrims.

    I appreciate that G2 are taking their knockout so heavily because it shows just how seriously they believed they would make a deep Worlds run. I think what everyone is not understanding, however, is that G2 didn’t release the scrim results to cry; I think it is much deeper than that. The scrim results were likely released with the intention of showing G2 leadership and investors that this team was not fraudulent and that given another chance in the next season, they will make an even deeper run with a vengeance.

  • MedievalMoviesB
    11 months ago

    If you prove to them that you are good, they will tryhard against you. They played their best picks, they played extremely good league of legends in scrims. And we beat them there

    This line to me honestly makes me think at some point they stopped treating scrims as a way to improve and just played to win every game

  • PeekaysB
    11 months ago

    People (teams) seem to forget that other teams are using the scrims to up their chances of winning real games. That’s the sole purpose of scrims, nothing else. Teams can intentionally troll pick, plant false confidence, limit test and throw, try suboptimal builds, a billion things that make results irrelevant. Saying “we won with X in scrims so it must be good” is the most surface level idiocy a team could have.

  • BeOPtX8B
    11 months ago

    This has to be the first year we get so many threads about a team that didn’t even make top 8. At least G2 won the scrim world championship, the copium lives on!!

  • MrZedddB
    11 months ago

    This is still going on?

    The reality is simple. G2 is not trash, they’re good, just not as good as they thought they were. Not as good as EU fans thought they were. Not even close to being a contender.

    Yes scrims are not useless, but you don’t become a contender because you smurf scrims.

    There’s no problem rooting for your team, just set realistic expectations for your level. G2 and Europe haven’t been contenders FOR YEARS, why is it suddenly a huge disappointment that they bombed out before quarter? That’s just the current level of your teams.

    EU fans, journalists, and costreamers just can’t seem to accept the fact that they are currently not a contender level, because somehow scrims should indicate that they are contenders somehow?

    Tldr: EU too high on copium, they set an unrealistic expectations for their actual level

    11 months ago

    Twitter sucks these days, so here’s a transcript that isn’t just an image attachment.

    “Scrims don’t matter as long as they perform on stage”

    But they do

    Scrims show that you are not hopelessly slaughtered in every team fight

    Scrims get you a glimpse of how you can match anyone mechanically

    Scrims give you a sense of how much everyone cares about practice. They show you are not an underdog everyone believes you are.

    Scrims give you hope.

    You can say that every other team was testing us, testing limits, that they don’t play their best in practice, or that we were just getting our comfort picks, but no other team in the West matched everyone, including LCK and LPL, that well in scrims. Every time you hear about LEC or LCS team doing well in scrims, it is extremely overplayed by Asian teams based on the 1-2 blocks they played.

    People talk like good teams lose scrims on purpose to get better, but that’s just how Western teams are used to be doing every Worlds. People are so used to the West doing badly in scrims that somehow it became our mantra to get destroyed and just show up when it matters. Every win in Scrims vs East is called a fluke because - “well they are not trying”, or “we got lucky on the day”.

    Everyone talks about how you can’t practice as hard as Asian teams, but that’s what we did. We tried as hard as we could and we gave a fight to everyone we met, including them. If you prove to them that you are good, they will tryhard against you. They played their best picks, they played extremely good league of legends in scrims. And we beat them there.

    That gives me more hope in the West than any upset ever did.

    It shows that if we put our mind to it, we can be the best. Maybe even in the world.

    And that’s what broke our hearts last week.

    I always believed in this roster for 2023, and I will always believe in it for 2024.

    I hope you will continue to believe in us too

  • BossStatusIRLB
    11 months ago

    You know what’s more important than scrim results? Winning on stage.