• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 31st, 2023


  • (3k scrub) I went from a ~70% in ranked in 7.33c only supporting to having a <30% win rate in 7.33d. I just can not play this patch. Either luck, not adapting (Feels impossible to come back and try to change momentum of a game as a support when down), out skilled, bad draft, people throwing and or a combination of all has led to me to have a worse win rate in Dota than when I was 1 mmr 7+ years ago. I really hate this patch and I hated how it’s been one of the longer patches we have. I can confidently say that this is my least favorite patch of all time. I try to not let it affect my performance but it sucks as a support knowing that the game feels over 15 in and spending the next 20 minutes defending high ground with a support and a core or two if I’m lucky. I know it’s not coming today but I wish the patch dropped