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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • This is not advice.

    I hated spam calls. Got them constantly.

    I decided to just fuck with them mercilessly. I’d answer almost every time. Even if I had to drop whatever I was doing. My single overriding goal was to keep them on the line as long as possible and then, once discovered, piss them off as much as possible.

    I’ve been doing this for years. No YouTube channel or anything. I didn’t record the calls. Just a personal hobby of mine.

    If I was at work, I’d try to keep them talking while I ignored them and kept working. If I wasn’t busy, I’d interact more.

    Initially, it seemed to cause a massive increase in spam calls. Like, it seemed fairly obvious to me that I was getting more calls because I was responding. Since I enjoyed fucking with them, I didn’t mind getting them any more.

    I always figured I was at least tying up one scammer for as long as possible.

    After awhile all my calls were hangups. I’d answer, and then they would immediately disconnect. I know that happens sometimes because the robo caller calls multiple lines at once and drops all but the first one that answers, but it started happening every time for me.

    A few months ago I read about some scam call networks getting busted. I wondered if it would have any effect.

    Seems like it has. I don’t even get one call or week anymore.