Dark seer-black hole
Dark seer-black hole
He was popular but his numbers are nerfed so it is just not enough.
Biggest winner still has lower winrate than biggest loser
As much as it is a good idea, it is way too niche and at that point in the game you should already have an answer for their passive skill. I think it would be very weak.
You definitely cannot play all roles in your bracket as your main role will always be better than others.
If I queue all roles and happened to get mid and opponent has a main mid player then I will lose my lane. It is what it is.
this is better than the original lol
Great template. People say it won’t work most games, I say this template will work most games. What is different is that you he has to change it a little like this:
Min 6: contest river rune Min 7: wisdom rune Min 8: contest river rune
Its range is very low
it is not about catching the carry, it is about having a lead and keeping it.
I don’t think people in this post realize what a fantasy roster is since most of them are either Team Spirit’s current roster or old OG roster lol.
Mars is super shit. Magnus is decent.
Play turbo, change your name to swap commends
Most of the time it is not needed. I play a lot of aura builder offlaners and if I play against physical damage I usually get greaves.
If enemy is purely physical: greaves+crimson
If fifty fifty: greaves+pipe
If mostly magical: mek+pipe into greaves
Since minority of the games include purely physical damage, it is not popular to go crimson. Even if enemy has only physical damage, there are cases where shiva+halberd or just HoT is better.
This is why crimson has such a niche case.