why not just as Riot to reskin Renata as lux :D just make her hiar blonde and get younger
why not just as Riot to reskin Renata as lux :D just make her hiar blonde and get younger
All the budget went to newheans dude. The rest had to suffer for it.
Also new jeans are the only good part of this opening lol
400k viewers, how many are here just for new jeans performance? Lol
right but Renata is a common ban already so banning Renata won’t make your plan obvious. you can save bot lane pick for 4,5.
infact banning Renata might make WBG ban Tham which means they wasted a ban for a champ T1 werent gonna play.
i’m just speculating ofc. i dont even play. it would just be really funny if they did play Garen bot with Senna.
But really though. How bad can farming Garen and souls senna bot lane be? It can be a really agressive botlane.
This episode dropped just in time for my drive to work.
and Licorice doesnt get a team.