Google knows exactly what you’re watching and when you’re watching it. Not so much if you just archive everything.
Google knows exactly what you’re watching and when you’re watching it. Not so much if you just archive everything.
Have both of them add a new password to their saved passwords and find out if it shows up on the other’s phone. If it does, that’s a big problem but at least it can be traced. If not, it means that some saved passwords migrated to Edwin’s phone for some reason, but it’s not being actively synced.
Someone had to have signed into iCloud and then keychain on the wrong account. That’s been end-to-end encrypted since day 1. I just can’t see a way this would have happened otherwise. You can’t airdrop an entire keychain and I think family sharing of passwords is recent, plus you said they’re not in family sharing. And this has nothing at all to do with the Ghost Energy app either.
Keep us posted.
I’m 31 and very definitely white male. I only watched the show this year but I agree with your adult take. She didn’t need to speak up but I respect her feeling like she needed to do so. Mr. PB’s complaint rubbed me the wrong way even if I can understand his feelings about it. Nobody ever came out and said what the accusations were, so it’s hard to get an idea of whether Diane is certain about them or just going with what others have said. I think that was intentionally left open to interpretation.
Unlikely unless there was a vulnerability in the OS. I don’t know if you’ve ever installed an APK manually but you need to confirm with package installer before you do that, so if you didn’t, the only thing that could have happened is maybe your browser got an extension installed. Even then, the browser is supposed to ask for confirmation. If you installed an unknown app, you might have a problem; if not, you’re probably fine. If you don’t notice any weird behaviour on your phone, I don’t think there’s probable cause to suspect you got malware on it.
Did you get a fake Android phone pretending to be an iPhone?
The funny part is that I almost always manage to write “look”, “see” or similar on posts that actively mention I’m blind. I’m glad people get a chuckle out of it, but it’s so commonplace that I can’t imagine changing it. When 99% of people talk a certain way, the 1% will follow. And thanks for the tip. I do think patience is key, and some people probably give up because we’re conditioned not to have patience on social media.
I’m really going to encourage you to do exactly this. This will replace your current router and everything will just work. You’ll never have wi-fi problems again. u/Commodore6ix4our
Seventh-gen i5 should be reasonably usable still. I had a 6th-gen i5 as my work laptop until I gave it to my mom recently.
When the computer is slow, have you looked in task manager to find out what’s at the top of CPU usage?
You can always try resetting the computer (essentially reinstalling Windows) and see if that helps. You probably don’t need to make the USB drive. Go to settings > Updates > Recovery > Reset this PC.
(This is from memory, but it’s pretty close.)
It will ask if you want to do a cloud reinstall. Choose yes. This will download Windows from Microsoft instead of using the factory image that came with your HP, so bloatware will be minimal. Also choose to keep your files; that way it will uninstall your programs and reset Windows to defaults but it will not erase your documents and downloads.
Do make a backup of anything important though, if you have somewhere to store it.