Halloween still good and so as the K-Pop event. But the game mode for that K-Pop event is terrible.
That was literally all there was to the KPop event besides a shop update lmao
Halloween still good and so as the K-Pop event. But the game mode for that K-Pop event is terrible.
That was literally all there was to the KPop event besides a shop update lmao
Op hates GILFs :(
I don’t understand this community’s obsession with desperately wanting every single hero stripped of their identity and turned into M1 shoot M2 grenade/shield/heal. If you guys want damage boost gutted so badly just petition for it to be meter based and give her overheal to compensate or something.
I always thought Brigitte’s Engineer skin was better fit for a default, it even got it’s OW2 equivalent with Sparkplug.
Since Echo launched as a DPS I’ve felt her design feels totally off too, she was meant to be a Support and her skins still read as one to me. I think her Camo skin reflects her playstyle and the DPS slot a lot more accurately.
Cheating and choosing two, but Sombra and Genji in a dual protagonist Watch Dogs style urban freeroam game with heavy emphasis on their movement and stealth would be incredible. Story could be about the two of them following the same lead without informing Talon/Overwatch respectively, one hunting the other down, or even the two reluctantly working together against a localized Null Sector threat (Sombra’s parents were killed in the Crisis, there’s no way she supports Ramattra even if Doomfist does)
Otherwise, Hanzo in a third person stealth optional takedown/action game (like Hitman x Sekiro) across future Asia explaining whatever he’s been up to and/or assisting in dealing with the Hashimoto and 2nd Crisis. His lore is so barren he’s basically a clean slate to do anything with and the idea of gameplay being dual wielding a sword and bow seems satisfying.
Probably true to some degree. Considering Hanzo and Orisa’s latest skins it wouldn’t shock me if every or almost every hero has a slightly higher detail than normal Legendary that they’re prepared to slap some extra coats of paint and an added weapon onto. Heroes like Mercy, Rein, and Dva almost definitely have had full scale ones ready since probably well before OW2’s launch though.