Ben “DPI” St-Juste
Ben “DPI” St-Juste
As much as Ron should be fired them players individually just have stunk or invisible
People say Howell fans are delusional but I’ll say most fans here are delusional wanting perfect play from inexperienced QBs. There are a handful of guys who play like stars from the start.
Does be do anything football team related?
Honestly think Taylor is a serviceable starter. His 2 big problems were arm strength and becoming complacent. He seemed like he took rhe foot of the gas at some point. Maybe playing it safe or coach telling him to.
I am not up on it. But a good tackle or Marvin Harrison Jr. seems like an obvious pick.
The only wildcard is Sam Howell and likely new coach/GM. If they don’t like him then I could see drafting a guy. Maybe Howell becomes cheap stop gap.
It’s irrelevant to the conversation besides the beginning of the bad defense. Shanahan decides to do 3-4 which required rebuild and players out of position.
But the nose tackle and how defensive ends work still makes a difference in the NFL
Just as well bring Synder back if we would disrespect Ron like that. Some shit is bigger than football.
It’s called Strong Shotgun Power Draw/Delay/Option
Sports is just like this. Even with players. Son of a coach. Coaches will have their own people even if they are less talented.
Like with my high school basketball team. Lot of the guys at the end of tbe bench were AAU/summer league guys they coached/football players for conditioning.
Ron is still here. Unless you are evaluating Ron what’s the point in firing one without the other?
Lol when you been suffering since 93.
Just kneel the ball 😆
😆 our secondary looks like they were undrafted stocked shelves at a local super market and called up because of covid protocol.
It’s crazy to see CB make plays and ours watch the numbers on the back of recievers jerseys while being amoked.
Terry has turf toe.
Seems like this team could be winning. So is WUJ purposely tanking or just bad with player rotations?
Seems like this team could be winning. So is WUJ purposely tanking or just bad with player rotations?
Pretty sure lots of fans aged out of attending. Others quit on a bad franchise. The Ravens likely stole a lot of young fans. It’s been a 10 year process of losing.