Well I know that now!
Well I know that now!
Not at all what I’m implying. I’m expressing frustration over their marketing, and the fact that I kept getting this voucher email, yet it’s nowhere to be found.
I got 30% on Wednesday, and come Monday, the discount was 40%.
Glad you could use it!
Yeah it’s a really shitty move imo!!!
I’m well aware it’s not that much, however, going from 30-40% does add up quick. And I was ordering customs, which are more expensive on the front end, so every little bit helps.
And it’s not a post necessarily about how much money I ended up saving or missing out on saving—it’s more about their marketing and their advertising decisions, along with my frustration of getting multiple emails about my point reward, but not being able to find it when I went into my account!
Well that’s incredibly lame! What’s going on with their marketing? It’s either sitewide or it isn’t!