We can’t judge this team until Bojan comes back guys.
We can’t judge this team until Bojan comes back guys.
I want a man fired. Get him outta here
Stew can’t even be traded this year because of his extension right? Another classic Troy fuck up
It never occurred to Troy to acquire some shooters this offseason huh. Don’t even make a run at Cam Johnson, Kuzma, or Harrison Barnes. Yes I know Kuzma isn’t a shooter but he’s better than anyone we have
We can trade anyone and I would not care.
Fire Weaver and sell the team Gorress enough is enough
Monty isn’t even going to try. Can we get his contract voided he doesn’t care
I hope the crowd is booing. Someone needs to start a fire weaver chant
Hey Cade you bust, fire your loser cousin and hire a real fucking trainer next summer so you can learn how to shoot
Weaver needs to be gone. Someone has to lose their job over this
They better boo the fuck out of this team. Someone has to be fired after tonight. Hopefully it’s Troy. Bunch of losers
Can anyone tell me why Wiseman is playing over Bagley? Is Bagley hurt or is Monty just a terrible coach
Outside of Thansis he’s probably the worst player in the nba
Bill wasting a draft pick on a kicker is going to end up getting us a new QB. Terrible drafting
They’re gonna tie it. Fucking great. What a terrible shit punt that lead to this. And converting that fourth down just pray they don’t score a TD
This time a pick 6 zappee. How is Mac feeling throwing him out here. He’ll do something dumb
I’ll take a FG just nine more minutes
Holy shit the Giants cannot stop holding. Jesus Christ