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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 25th, 2023


  • You can find 1-2 plays where every lineman in the league gets overpowered, out ran, or just makes a mistake. Players are a sum of their work not a few plays that stick our in your mind because they sucked.

    Here’s the thing I keep saying we can’t create unnecessary holes this off-season as bad as we need help in the OL we HAVE to fix LT/RT first then we can worry about C/RG. All three of our interior guys would look better and grade better with mediocre OT play on the outside.

    Brewer got blown up Sunday but it’s very rare that he is going to face 1 on 1 pass block situations due to the nature of the position and the common defensive schemes. Then add the fact that Brewer is a ++ in the run blocking game and he isn’t high on our priority list.

    If Brunskill and Brewer are out 4th and 5th best OL and best out decent competition to be so then we have a fine OL for next year and can fix the Wr corps and defense with this off season and draft a C/RG in 2025.

  • We aren’t ruining him bro you can’t ruin good qbs if some pressure early in his career ruins him he just wasn’t ever going to be good.

    And he’s got as much command as Tannehill did of the offense he’s making pre snap reads and audibles he’s doing as much as any qb would be for us and it’ll just get better and him more comfortable with more time

  • Well you need to consider if you are in the minority and the successful nfl coaches who have made careers eyeing talent are on the other side it is you that is wrong.

    Levis having a ceiling of Tannehill is a qb that you can win a superbowl with.

    Him having the arm talent and calmness we’ve seen now added with a real OL and Wr corps is a top 10 qb. It is as simple as that.

  • Levis has made a million “top 10 arm talent” throws just because you haven’t seen them or can’t recognize them doesn’t mean they haven’t happened.

    Qbs don’t elevate bad Wr play that’s such a tired over used and wrong myth. Tell me how is Mahomes elevating his Wr corps? Did you watch their last game?

    And you don’t need your qb to elevate a top tier Wr corps I mean what are you even talking about lol that’s the point in having one they don’t need help they are already great.

    Your evaluations are terrible. Doesn’t mean you can’t have them but just that they are terrible

  • Nah that’s a bad read on him. He’s the type of qb who may or may not be elite but given a solid roster he’s going to ball out. He has too much arm talent not too.

    They worried about Josh Allen’s consistency too in his first TWO years when he flashed and burned out drive to drive play to play.

    The only focus has to be get Levis a real OL and Wr corps right now.