Good to see but I’ll be glad to see cj back. Especially late game, dyson isn’t ready for those moments yet in his career
Good to see but I’ll be glad to see cj back. Especially late game, dyson isn’t ready for those moments yet in his career
The jazz - who haven’t played in 3 days beat a team who played 22 hours earlier that is missing 3 of its top 5 players AT HOME. You fought just didn’t have enough to close it, it’s not on willie green
Take it on the chin and learn from it. Back to back in that building was always going to be tough. People who are freaking out don’t follow the nba. Still think we should’ve won when up 11 late in the 3rd but move to monday
This Herb jones 30 ball is going to hit like crack in the 80s
My favorite player to ever wear a Nola jersey. Which is crazy to say bc drew Brees rebuilt this city. If the pels ever let that man leave the city I’ll riot
Mainly who those minutes will be with and versus. Dyson starting would help defensively bc he would be on the court more times than not when the other teams best player is too. But I do get where you are coming from, it shouldn’t really matter to the players
KD is insane man. Still glad we didn’t trade for him. We want it out the mud
I like Zo but he didn’t really have the dog on the defensive side that Herb and dyson have, zo was a really good defender but it didn’t feel like he cared as much as these 2 guys. I’ve seen fox absolutely own lonzo many times
He’s unbelievable man. If you can get lower bowl tickets do it and watch that man play, you can see why he’s so dominant on defense. He’s got to be in insane shape bc he NEVER takes a play off. Pretty remarkable to watch. He’s becoming a legit hooper on offense too. Love that dude bruh
I wonder if Shamit will say something good about bi after this quarter
Great second quarter, now we gotta adjust max they won’t allow Zion to go for 22 again.
Averaging 20+ for 9 straight years as a 6’3 non athletic guard is pretty impressive scoring. I don’t really like to look at all star appearances. Doesn’t hold a lot of meaning to me, fan voting is an embarrassment. Especially bc he has been paired with Dame. No way in hell would 2 point guards on the same team get voted in
So excited to watch this dude play, feels like it’s been forever. One of my favorite guys to watch play. So dope that he gets to return on the 7th anniversary of his moms death, i can’t wait to see that passion he brings
Seeing Jose out there will put a smile on my face. Miss that guy. Hoping for good health for Jose the rest of the way
Yea I mean as long as we aren’t expecting Hawkins to be the next cj, bc they are different types of players imo. Not saying Hawk won’t grow his game to be a more tell wounded scorer (he’s only 10 games into his career) but CJ is one of the best pure scorers of this generation
I really like borrego and can see why willie brought him in. I always think it’s cool to see former head coaches who are in a way being demoted to assistant coaches on other teams show so much care and passion. He’s got a bright basketball mind
Fuck this team
We are fine imo. The scary part is always health. Fully healthy roster I’ve seen enough to think this team can contend. Bi is really my X factor, he was on a stretch of shooting about 5 3s a game. Last night he took 1. He HAS to shoot 5 a night even when cj and Trey get back