how du make shit done
how du girl get preganante
how du make shit done
how du girl get preganante
Nothing says “I will put something in your drink” quite like that haircut.
Other “grindset” dipshits who confuse overworking and meaningless awards/titles with a personality.
Hitler and Himmler believed in “World Ice Theory” which was put forth by some German crackpot who stated the base matter of all reality was ice.
I’d be armed if my wife wasn’t so leery about firearms. She and my father-in-law are part of a ethnic minority that is specifically targeted by white supremacists and my state has active Nazi and Third Position groups. Given the way shit’s going, I want to be prepared for anything.
It’s obvious they’ve never read any of Mike Pondsmith’s stuff if they think gender and sexuality in the Cyberpunk universe is any way at all viewed from a conservative lense.
In this moment, I am euphoric. Not because of any phony gods blessing but because I managed to find someone as insufferable as I am.
They want to bring back the Habsburg chin.
And they look like they’ve spent a lot of time inside a locker.
Anyone who denies that is a deeply unserious person.
The only people who say that shit are dumb teenagers who just discovered social justice yesterday. They’re hardly indicative of the Internet as a whole.
I think my band Anus Andy played with you guys once.
I don’t see why it would be that much of a shock. Racism isn’t entirely the domain of white Americans. Ask a Japanese nationalist what he thinks of Koreans if you need evidence.
TIL parasitism is a talent.
Every person who ever said the word “cuck” in public with zero irony.
You didn’t go to galas unless you owned successful businesses or people.