He’s kinda easy to beat with a genji tho ngl
He’s kinda easy to beat with a genji tho ngl
Thank you, because there was this really salty Diva main and kept saying dumb shit like your trash and you need skills (to our team on our team) and whatever and I’m over here like my brother in Christ this is an arcade no limits game and I am so glad I didn’t have comms we ended up losing the match but I think it was mostly his fault Diva main with like 20 kills and I had like 26 and I was reaper so idk why he was so mad. Anyway yeah thanks.
Sigma is great he’s really annoying to fight but he’s good
No other tank is as effective but he’s really easy to counter and people don’t like that you might be a liability but, what do I know I’m pretty bad at the game anyway
Oh I remember doing those
I have it idk why tho
Reaper and Cassidy because lore and super satisfying to hit ults
Annoying but I prefer them to Zarya
Ball runs every time I try to engage rein is a struggle because one of my shotguns always gets stuck in his shield orisa yeah I just need to get better… and hog got a buff that makes him one-shot basically all squishes
Absolutely correct however as most people have come to realize I’m dogshit at the game and ball keeps running away
Dude ball just runs away I always get one shotgun, stuck halfway through Winston and reins shield. Orissa is pretty simple. That’s why it’s not “kills me immediately.” I’m also relatively low-level. I’ve only been playing for about 91 hours.
I like playing Cassidy but no it not either of them
He gets his own tier because if his buff
Okay, reaper also used to be 300 hp so, do with that as you will
Reaper because like playing him, genji because genji and either hanzo or Cassidy
I use the default settings (I play on controller and am to lazy to change them)