Jameis sucks dude why do people think he’s better than carr
Jameis sucks dude why do people think he’s better than carr
Fuck Jameis Winston and his defenders
What issue would Jameis fix?
Is our turnover ratio being positive actually a problem?
Cam being hurt makes me sad :(
Burrow has had constant injury problems though lol
I’m so sick of this dude. Can’t wait until he gets cut so I don’t have to see his stupid goofy rapey ass on the sideline
Loser mentality. No room for this when the team sucks
Probably going top 10 and I don’t see us picking that early. Plus we have other holes and can’t get out of Carr’s contract next year
Weird way of saying your spouse doesn’t want to fuck you
Roster construction is not the issue with this team
I think I’m unsubbing from here until the off-season
I get that it’s been a disappointing season but holy SHIT some of you are insufferable and I don’t need that in my life
Multi billion dollar industry but we rely on a bunch of crotchety blind old men to call penalties when they feel like it
Imagine voluntarily being a falcons fan
Refs just calling penalties when they feel like it
Getting called for phantom holds but no call for Kamara being interfered with
He’s still the best QB on this team regardless of what the Jameis stans say
No. Need new blood
We gonna blame carr for the pass hitting the receiver on the hands?