Crunch time collapse imminent. Watch us blow the 23 point lead we at least need
Crunch time collapse imminent. Watch us blow the 23 point lead we at least need
Not even gonna scroll through comments and assume they’re filled with people like me: WHY ARE WE STILL TALKING TO KP
So am I allowed to be upset with Mazz and Jaylen or is that still going to get me in trouble…
This team is more than happy to just get walked all over. Who’s the voice on that sideline who’s flipping their shit at how embarrassing this team is right now? Doesn’t exist.
God you really never know what kind of JB you’re gonna get. The Forrest Gump of buckets…
People who are blaming this on the players and not Mazzula—the players are rattled and Joe is doing nothing to intervene and settle them down. He is the only coach in the league under this delusion that players can just settle themselves down. Every single other coach will see a run and stop it, help everyone take a beat.
Coaching masterclass
Mazzula is the only coach in the NBA that sits on his timeouts like this. Like what the fuck new age idea does he think he’s onto
I’m scared of this team and glad they’re in the west
The North End is Boston’a Italian district and nearby the arena, popular place to grab dinner ahead of time. There’s also a handful of touristy Irish bars nearby that are also popular (but again, touristy). Both of these options might be of little interest as well considering you’re come from Europe.
What’s the kind of time looking for?
It’ll be cold, so if you’re walking at all bundle up.
If you’re getting there well early you could do some site seeing, walk the Freedom trail
So like I was saying Jaylen is a scoundrel and a scallywag and can’t pass the bal……
This has to fall on Mazzula. Collapses like this are when coaches need to intervene
Jaylen’s face after his assist to Hauser… love it
This team is unconscious. There’s just a tempo to this game tonight that’s unreal
The starters are running offense around getting Hauser the open shot. The starters don’t even run offense on getting each other open shots.
This is….Dame time?
Jaylen, forgive me for I have sinned
Jaylen Brown cements his legacy of being lukewarm at best tonight. All caps responses only.