If you are on an android phone you should check the F-Droid pages for Seal. No commandline, a nice GUI, works great.
If you are on an android phone you should check the F-Droid pages for Seal. No commandline, a nice GUI, works great.
The Genos plush! (I hope it is a plush?)
You can set yourself anonymous on your account but then they also don’t allow you to see who visits you. Bit of bullshit I guess.
I’d rather would like to put hope into that the bill will never be introduced.
Nestlé. Probably.
Geez. The being lied to wasn’t really very secretive, it was out in the open for a very long time.
This is a very weird apology for just being stupid.
Eastern Germany has been voting differently pretty much all the time, or didn’t it? Like definitely more counties voted right wing for like a decade or two.
Fuck Friedrich Merz and the CDU who may end up enabling the brown shitstain that is the AfD. Sorry for the harsh words but I am a German living outside of Germany and I cannot believe it all came to this. Seeing what crap Merz is spewing, damn. Really a mask off moment for him, I never liked him but did not think he’d be a Nazi in the making.
I’m going to assume if you arrange 1000 marriages a few are definitely bound to work out. For the rest though…
Plastic? At this price, wouldn’t ceramic be on par?
Looks so much like Zack McKracken!
They are filled with rocks as is procedure for testing unknown phaser weapons.
Bold to admit you don’t know anyone
It seems silly to target a demographic that buys games rarely if that’s how you expect to make your money with the games and not the console price.
But I don’t work in sales or marketing, so I am probably wrong.
Haven’t we debunked the offsetting as useful? There was a lot of fraud going on in that space as well.
Hi, question for Ms. Bellamy. In episode 2F09, when Itchy plays Scratchy’s skeleton like a xylophone, he strikes that same rib twice in succession yet he produces two clearly different tones. I mean, what are we, to believe that this is some sort of a, a magic xylophone or something? Boy, I really hope somebody got fired for that blunder.