It seems silly now, but it took on a life of its own back then.
It seems silly now, but it took on a life of its own back then.
Buck barely hides how much he hates our team
Please stop downgrading Marbury because his career fizzled later on. He was insanely talented.
Just keep chucking 3s. At some point we’ll make one.
TIL the best player in a professional league over a 15+ year span gets talked about by fans of that sport.
Is anyone really that confident we will win? I don’t think we should be. Every week there are surprising outcomes, and should we expect Dobbs to just play at this same level for the rest of the year?
It’s insanity. Literal Baghdad Bob shit.
natural quitting motion
They’ve enabled his shit for so long that the excuse is now that these incidents are a part of who Draymond is. Look at his insta post after last week’s ejection- he said he “won’t change who he is.” Well, who you are is a violent lunatic, and if the NBA continues to patch over it someone will get seriously hurt. Hell, the Poole incident should have been his last strike.
Eat shit warriors
As Draymond’s skills decline, this act will continue to look more and more pathetic. I wonder if he has the self awareness to realize that?
Uhhhh I don’t think he kept control
We will, and somehow we will be mocked for it.
The ANTser.
NBA has the nerve to go after teams for load management, because they don’t want fans robbed of an opportunity to watch the best players play, and then just accept this shit.
Fuck oooooooooofffffffffffff
Are we the goodies?
Fuck that. Even recently he dug his heels in on this.