Daydreaming Mercy mains downvoting anyone that puts kiriko first but the reality is speaks for itself.
A dude that made an overall math on the K-Pop selling numbers based on how well the world cup founds went (idk the correlation but he had the numbers) and her K-Pop skin alone (Also D.Va’s) possibly made what all Mercy skins combined did since January. So currently, thanks to the K-Pop and Halloween event we have the chart more or less like this:
Nope, it’s numbers go find it yourself I’m not your mom
A tank that teleports but only through park benches and he doesn’t get to choose where he’ll be teleporting to.
Daydreaming Mercy mains downvoting anyone that puts kiriko first but the reality is speaks for itself.
A dude that made an overall math on the K-Pop selling numbers based on how well the world cup founds went (idk the correlation but he had the numbers) and her K-Pop skin alone (Also D.Va’s) possibly made what all Mercy skins combined did since January. So currently, thanks to the K-Pop and Halloween event we have the chart more or less like this:
Yeah ik, just wish people would read the damn tag but nvm :/
When one of my teammates goes “EZY” after we win the match. You have no class and deserve no prizes, if you do this in my team you’re just showing your ass.
I’ll try to explain. If you have above average aiming you’ll notice that you’ll perform even better with higher pings and since I main Ashe/Cole (tend to get the most kills even without the high latency) I actively avoid doing comp for two reasons: 1- It’s not fair on the other team since the compensation actually makes me hit even more headshots. 2 - t’s bad to get used to easy headshots later on.
Now, this might be a hitscans only thing and I believe any Meele and projectile will perform really bad with a ping above 50 or 60. While I’m alone it goes to 30, but I have friends in NA and play with them for the majority of the day so I kinda do it for them (sometimes I leave the group to play comp and then go back).
Just try not to punch anything bc they’ll receive the punch 2 seconds later xD.
I play on 180-190 🤝
You lost the opportunity to give Zenyatta a 🐢 But I guess it would be to fast for him
I see what you did there with Doom, I got the reference
1 - Sigma 2 - Genji 3 - Tracer 4 - Kiriko 5 - Ana 6 - Junker Queen 7 - ??? 8 - Hanzo
This is so good, we need an anime season rn!
It happened to me recently too
The amount of Hanzo/Mercy in the comments say something about the them and devs are ignoring it.
Sombra is C what were you using while doing this?
Mercy/Zarya. Hate both
Oh it’s Baptiste you’re looking for them but I think they fixed it last patch