It’s not that deep family
It’s not that deep family
It’s the coaching and management that he should be mad at. They’re the ones fielding those receivers.
Nice people magazine article post
Who gives a flying fuck about any of this celebrity gossip. Fuck off!
Do people really say these things about lamar?
Everyone I know adores the guy
Currently rostering them and browns.
Kinda surprised he’s still being rostered
I’ve been watching Josh and that’s a bit hard to believe
Cause of death?
new international football swiftie
We’re really here now
This guys face should not be here. It should be Jimmy Gs.
This man should he freed. And the nfl should do something about the incompetency of the raiders organization.
Just need a ticket to the dance
Scary looking dude
Mac jones needs to go start a line of mac and cheese restaurants before he falls fully into irrelevance