I refuse to watch this.
I refuse to watch this.
I would be sufficiently intimidated by either of them.
u/elsamae1 is selling 2 tickets to this.
u/lyone2 was looking for 2 tickets to this.
Gets us one for DPI, gets another free for (early) Black Friday.
I turned it off a couple times. Just needed to walk around and do some house chores for a lil bit to clear the head.
I think it’s cool that Dan got the opportunity to establish this aggressive identity his first year in Detroit, when it was so hard to get wins. That aggressive style seemed necessary just to give the Lions a chance in those early games, and yet the media often questioned his aggressive style back then. When he remained aggressive in years 2 and now 3 and also began to win more, the media started lauding his aggressiveness, and it also became clear that it is just part of Dan’s DNA. He is going to take calculated risks.
I am thinking if he had been coaching a different team that first year, one that had more weapons and higher expectations to win immediately, it might have been harder for him to get buy-in on his aggressive style, if that makes any sense.
hits “Show less” button.
Not worth arguing with that person.
One Pride.
Yeah that was a ridiculous call
27-17 Lions
Is CJGJ close to returning? Anything official been said?